Your Child’s Bright Future Begins Here.

The School’s ethos and vision

centre of sports excellence programme

Let your children experience the
Exceptional Education Syllabus.



secondary syllabus

Sri Bestari's Ethos & Vision

Your Child’s Bright Future Begins Here.

Sri Bestari accepts students as they are and helps them develop into well-rounded and well-grounded individuals while identifying their aptitude as well as passion and assisting them in realising their full potential.

Our Core Value System




At Sri Bestari in Kuala Lumpur, the values of Professionalism, Excellence, and Respect are upheld by all teachers and staff at all times, as we believe that all things begin with us. If we are able to hold strong to these core values, they will in turn be translated and nurtured down to the students during their early years at the school. For students to make headway in this turbulent global environment, they require the right attitude and resolve. If these elements are coupled with humility and respect, they will be shining examples of global ambassadors the world so needs.

Our Membership, Awards & Accreditations


The 3 most notable successes of the school in recent years that are well recognised locally and internationally are S.T.E.M., IBSE and ECO. The confluence of these 3 approaches to Science and Technology coupled with the teaching of the Singapore Mathematics methods has enabled us to successfully implement Cross-Curriculum teaching in all subjects of study rather successfully. Many are interested to inquire on these successes where the Ministry of Education has requested for our feedback and even schools as far as Indonesia and Nepal have sought out our knowhow and experience.

STEM – Computer Science Program

Some 7 years ago, Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur set up the Physics & SMLab at Secondary to introduce the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, STEM as an after-school ECA program as Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the era of high technology. When our students won the Bronze Award and the Best Work Award for the Teenager Category at the Top International Robotic Tournament (TIRT) in Taiwan involving 80 teams from 9 countries in 2020, we felt it was time to expose all students to the intricacies of STEM. Our quest brought the school to team up with a STEM Industry Consultant to co-development the textbooks, modules and STEM kits as there was a dearth of a formal STEM Curriculum to be applied. 

It has now been 3 years since the STEM-Computer Science subject has been taught from Primary Year 1 right up to Secondary Form 5 based on the Mitsubishi Electric (Nagoya) Industrial Robot Syllabus supported by Mitsubishi Electric Singapore and is very well received. Incidentally, the elements of Physics and higher order Mathematics are slowly introduced to the students right from Year 1 Primary school where they learn Static Model Assembly and are exposed to shapes and unit weights, dimensions and volume. They also learn about force distribution and  material strength while they partake in practical assembling of static models. It cannot be denied that Physics is the basis for many technological inventions and innovations.

Therefore,  we have taken the bold step to progressively expose students to these elements of Physics from their younger years to build a good foundation and interest along the way.

Today our STEM-CS initiative has attracted keen interest from the district education department, the Ministry of Education and many other government and international schools on our ability to roll-out such a critical program successfully. In fact, the STEM-CS program by the school has received recognition from the STEM Centres at University Malaya (UM) and University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) where their program Directors are members of the National STEM Council.

The STEM Modules used at Sri Bestari are going to be introduced at University Malaya as 10 Micro-Credentials and this is testament of depth of STEM being taught at Sri Bestari from as young as our 7-year olds. In fact, efforts are now underway to develop STEM Modules for our pre-schoolers at K5 and K6 as armed with 3 years of STEM roll-out experience we are now ready to go one step further with our 5 and 6-year olds as it is never too early to learn.

One of our students has been selected to be part of the Digital Ninja Program by MDEC which is for Malaysian students who have shown immense digital making abilities and are potential Digital Tech experts. This is in recognition of the future talent the school is able to produce to help meet the demands of the nation. 

Sri Bestari are also in the midst of applying to MDEC for the renowned Digital Maker Hub Award which recognises the school as a STEM pilot centre.

Some 7 years ago, Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur set up the Physics & SMLab at Secondary to introduce the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, STEM as an after-school ECA program as Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the era of high technology. When our students won the Bronze Award and the Best Work Award for the Teenager Category at the Top International Robotic Tournament (TIRT) in Taiwan involving 80 teams from 9 countries in 2020, we felt it was time to expose all students to the intricacies of STEM. Our quest brought the school to team up with a STEM Industry Consultant to co-development the textbooks, modules and STEM kits as there was a dearth of a formal STEM Curriculum to be applied. 

It has now been 3 years since the STEM-Computer Science subject has been taught from Primary Year 1 right up to Secondary Form 5 based on the Mitsubishi Electric (Nagoya) Industrial Robot Syllabus supported by Mitsubishi Electric Singapore and is very well received. Incidentally, the elements of Physics and higher order Mathematics are slowly introduced to the students right from Year 1 Primary school where they learn Static Model Assembly and are exposed to shapes and unit weights, dimensions and volume. They also learn about force distribution and  material strength while they partake in practical assembling of static models. It cannot be denied that Physics is the basis for many technological inventions and innovations. Therefore,  we have taken the bold step to progressively expose students to these elements of Physics from their younger years to build a good foundation and interest along the way.

Today our STEM-CS initiative has attracted keen interest from the district education department, the Ministry of Education and many other government and international schools on our ability to roll-out such a critical program successfully. In fact, the STEM-CS program by the school has received recognition from the STEM Centres at University Malaya (UM) and University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) where their program Directors are members of the National STEM Council.

The STEM Modules used at Sri Bestari are going to be introduced at University Malaya as 10 Micro-Credentials and this is testament of depth of STEM being taught at Sri Bestari from as young as our 7-year olds. In fact, efforts are now underway to develop STEM Modules for our pre-schoolers at K5 and K6 as armed with 3 years of STEM roll-out experience we are now ready to go one step further with our 5 and 6-year olds as it is never too early to learn.

One of our students has been selected to be part of the Digital Ninja Program by MDEC which is for Malaysian students who have shown immense digital making abilities and are potential Digital Tech experts. This is in recognition of the future talent the school is able to produce to help meet the demands of the nation. 

Sri Bestari are also in the midst of applying to MDEC for the renowned Digital Maker Hub Award which recognises the school as a STEM pilot centre.

Yves Quéré IBSE Pilot Centre

Within 6 years of being selected to be 1 of the 5 schools in the whole of Malaysia to pilot the Inquiry Based Science Education, IBSE expounded by the Fondation La Main à la pâte, Paris; Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur was selected to be the first and only Yves Quéré IBSE Pilot Centre outside France. Schools in France all teach Science using the IBSE methodology which is proven very effective in developing scientific thinking in students coupled with creativity, critical, and analytical thinking. There are 19 IBSE Pilot Centres in the whole of France and Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is privileged to be granted this status, which was launched by His Excellency Mr Roland Galharague, the French Ambassador to Malaysia in 2021.

The IBSE programme was developed by 3 prominent Physicist and Scientist in France namely Nobel Laureate Professor Georges Charpak, Professor Emeritus Pierre Léna and Professor Emeritus Yves Quéré. 

With the accolade comes responsibility. Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is now a much sought-after school within the Asean Region to help propagate IBSE approaches to school teachers and pupils from institutions who seek mutual partnerships. Through these teaching and learning sessions, our students and teachers are gaining a deeper understanding of IBSE and it is a Win-Win situation for the school.

The school, having implemented IBSE the past 8 years, is seeing a resurgence of interest in Science among her students where their critical and analytical thinking skills are exceptionally honed. 

Within 6 years of being selected to be 1 of the 5 schools in the whole of Malaysia to pilot the Inquiry Based Science Education, IBSE expounded by the Fondation La Main à la pâte, Paris; Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur was selected to be the first and only Yves Quéré IBSE Pilot Centre outside France. Schools in France all teach Science using the IBSE methodology which is proven very effective in developing scientific thinking in students coupled with creativity, critical, and analytical thinking. There are 19 IBSE Pilot Centres in the whole of France and Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is privileged to be granted this status, which was launched by His Excellency Mr Roland Galharague, the French Ambassador to Malaysia in 2021.

The IBSE programme was developed by 3 prominent Physicist and Scientist in France namely Nobel Laureate Professor Georges Charpak, Professor Emeritus Pierre Léna and Professor Emeritus Yves Quéré. 

With the accolade comes responsibility. Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is now a much sought-after school within the Asean Region to help propagate IBSE approaches to school teachers and pupils from institutions who seek mutual partnerships. Through these teaching and learning sessions, our students and teachers are gaining a deeper understanding of IBSE and it is a Win-Win situation for the school.

The school, having implemented IBSE the past 8 years, is seeing a resurgence of interest in Science among her students where their critical and analytical thinking skills are exceptionally honed. 

Celestron Telescope

To help students have a better understanding of the vast and limitless Universe, the school had invested in the Celestron, Nexstar Evolution HD Telescope. It is the most important investigative tool in Astronomy and provides the students first-hand experience in exploring the radiation from celestial objects within the far reaches of the universe. Science is somewhat incomplete if the experience is merely theoretical and we at Sri Bestari believe in experiencing Science in a practical way.

Eco School’s Green Flags

More than a decade ago the school embarked on a quest to bring the importance of environment preservation to the school, her students and the community. The school had invested much effort and resources in this endeavour as we knew then that there is only 1 Mother Earth and generations to come will be immensely indebted and responsible in ensuring the sustainability of the earth for the survival of mankind. 12 years on, Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is on the World Map under the ECO Schools program with 3 ECO-Green Flag Awards by WWF-Malaysia and the Foundation for Environmental Education, FEE, Denmark. In Malaysia we are the only National Curriculum school accorded this recognition together with 1 other international school in Kuala Lumpur that was established in 1965.

Never one to rest on its laurels, Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is now embarking on the most difficult ecological area to phantom which is Climate Change Education, CCE and are now in collaboration with the Office for Climate Education, OCE, Paris which implements IBSE approaches in the understanding of Climate Change. The school being an IBSE school, works through the Yves Quéré IBSE Pilot Centre for this purpose.

More than a decade ago the school embarked on a quest to bring the importance of environment preservation to the school, her students and the community. The school had invested much effort and resources in this endeavour as we knew then that there is only 1 Mother Earth and generations to come will be immensely indebted and responsible in ensuring the sustainability of the earth for the survival of mankind. 12 years on, Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is on the World Map under the ECO Schools program with 3 ECO-Green Flag Awards by WWF-Malaysia and the Foundation for Environmental Education, FEE, Denmark. In Malaysia we are the only National Curriculum school accorded this recognition together with 1 other international school in Kuala Lumpur that was established in 1965.

Never one to rest on its laurels, Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is now embarking on the most difficult ecological area to phantom which is Climate Change Education, CCE and are now in collaboration with the Office for Climate Education, OCE, Paris which implements IBSE approaches in the understanding of Climate Change. The school being an IBSE school, works through the Yves Quéré IBSE Pilot Centre for this purpose.

Singapore Mathematics

Singapore Mathematics has been introduced from Kindergarten right up to Upper Secondary which is infused into the teaching of Mathematics at the school. This has been found to be highly effective with the advent of Higher Order Thinking questions being the hallmark of the enhanced National Curriculum. The Singapore Mathematics approach has many benefits as it uses a three-step learning model moving from concrete (using manipulatives) to pictorial (creating a visual representation) on to the abstract (solving problems) and is a bridge between the concrete and abstract of Mathematics. It helps develop a student’s logical thinking ability to solve higher order type Mathematical problems and the end results have been outstanding.

The annual Singapore Mathematics competition is well participated by many students and there are the after school Singapore Mathematics extra classes for those interested in honing their Mathematics understanding.

Singapore Mathematics has been introduced from Kindergarten right up to Upper Secondary which is infused into the teaching of Mathematics at the school. This has been found to be highly effective with the advent of Higher Order Thinking questions being the hallmark of the enhanced National Curriculum. The Singapore Mathematics approach has many benefits as it uses a three-step learning model moving from concrete (using manipulatives) to pictorial (creating a visual representation) on to the abstract (solving problems) and is a bridge between the concrete and abstract of Mathematics. It helps develop a student’s logical thinking ability to solve higher order type Mathematical problems and the end results have been outstanding.

The annual Singapore Mathematics competition is well participated by many students and there are the after school Singapore Mathematics extra classes for those interested in honing their Mathematics understanding.

Students under the National KSSR, Primary and KSSM, Secondary Curriculum shall sit for the school-based assessment termed the Ujian Akhir Sesi Persekolahan (UASA) at Primary Year 4, 5, 6 and Secondary Form 1, 2 and 3. Students in Form 5 will sit for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, SPM. All these assessments and examinations are conducted by Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia (The National Examinations Board).  These examinations are over and above the school-based assessment, the National Fitness Standard (SEGAK) assessment and Psychometric test which is used to gauge students’ personality traits, behaviour and aptitude.

The national education system dubbed as Kurikulum Kebangsaan is viewed as Kurikulum Kebangaan for the very fact that millions of Malaysians have benefitted from this very system and gone on to serve society in their chosen areas of expertise. Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur goes a step further where we constantly seek ways and means to further enhance the learning experience of our students and help them acquire additional knowledge and develop necessary skills beneficial for their future. In this respect, many additional programs and initiatives have been created and successfully implemented. 

Optional Examinations

Many students also opt to sit for various additional assessments such as the New South Wales Examination NSWE which covers English, Mathematics, Science and ICT. The other much sought-after assessment is the Cambridge Checkpoint Examination for English, Mathematics and Science. Some Upper Secondary students attempt the IGCSE Examination as an addition to SPM.

With Languages You Are at Home Anywhere

With Bahasa Malaysia and the English Language being the official 2 languages students need to master under the National Education system, all primary and secondary students at Sri Bestari will have to learn 1 additional foreign language from a wide range of choices. Students can choose either French, Japanese, Korean or Mandarin. The English Language taught is based on the Common European Framework CEFR, thus CEFR English. At Secondary, on top of the CEFR English, students are also taught Cambridge English as further enhancement of the language command.

At Kindergarten, there is a dedicated afternoon Mandarin Stream where Mandarin is given strong emphasis.

At Primary, we have introduced The First Grade Chinese, SJKC level program where students are taught Chinese based on the SJKC Chinese syllabuses. Classes are conducted every Friday after school and 2 Saturday’s per month. Students who acquire a strong usage of Chinese can opt to sign up for Chinese Language at Secondary and even sit for the Chinese Language Exam at Form 5 SPM.

With Bahasa Malaysia and the English Language being the official 2 languages students need to master under the National Education system, all primary and secondary students at Sri Bestari will have to learn 1 additional foreign language from a wide range of choices. Students can choose either French, Japanese, Korean or Mandarin. The English Language taught is based on the Common European Framework CEFR, thus CEFR English. At Secondary, on top of the CEFR English, students are also taught Cambridge English as further enhancement of the language command.

At Kindergarten, there is a dedicated afternoon Mandarin Stream where Mandarin is given strong emphasis.

At Primary, we have introduced The First Grade Chinese, SJKC level program where students are taught Chinese based on the SJKC Chinese syllabuses. Classes are conducted every Friday after school and 2 Saturday’s per month. Students who acquire a strong usage of Chinese can opt to sign up for Chinese Language at Secondary and even sit for the Chinese Language Exam at Form 5 SPM.

Interactive Tab & Language Lab

The educational approach today has dramatically changed. Interactive learning and hybrid approaches are the norm and it is imperative that we adapt to the changing technological advances that avails us. Sri Bestari has set up an Interactive lab fully equipped with Tablets to make learning more interactive and fun as the school has full Wi-Fi connectivity. We believe this interactive approach to teaching and learning will bring the desired results in a seamless manner. This TAB Lab shall also be utilised as a Language Lab which is an important feature bearing in mind the school offers 7 different languages and students will have to master the 2 compulsory languages in Bahasa Malaysia and the English Language besides 1 other language in either French, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean or Chinese.

The development of a student is not only confined or measured based on an academic yardstick. It actually encompasses character and personality development as well. This ensures that students are well grounded and confident which is the foundation of life’s success.

To help develop these traits and qualities, students need to be exposed to a vast array of sports, co-curricular activities as well as clubs and societies. It is during these informal settings that they have the opportunity to learn about and experience teamwork, develop discipline, time management and leadership which are essential for success.

Sri Bestari organises a whole host of events, activities and opportunities for students to explore and try out as they find their interest and niche before they take up leadership roles spearheading specific activities and events under the tutelage and guidance of their teachers.

The school has a strong performing arts culture. Students are exposed to music, dance, speech and drama, guitar, violin, keyboard, ukulele, vocal training, percussions, piano and the recorder with a complete Band which performs at various school events. Sri Bestari has started putting together a Marching Band and will see a full repertoire of performances once complete.

The arts and in particular Performing Arts are a very important aspect for personal development and in this respect the school had forged a collaboration with The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, KLPAC to further improve our level of performing arts in the school. The Annual Concert by the students is very well received and is the opportune platform for students to work in teams and polish their skills in performing, delivery on stage and confidence building. The combination of all these aspects brings immense improvement in a student’s growth and development. Students actively participate in Choral Speaking, Choirs performances and competition besides the school-based events throughout the academic year.

The Japan-Malaysia understanding and experience was forged through the student exchange program between Tokai Fukuoka High School, Japan and Sri Bestari Private School, Kuala Lumpur and is into its 10th year. Students are accorded the rare opportunity to be on this sister-school program where many develop lasting friendships with their counterparts in Japan via planned excursions and partaking in their school’s classroom activities as well as exploring the true Japanese culture through the homestay programme.

The programme consists of either the 1-week long exchange program at the sister-school or a 3-month long exchange program with dedicated homestay foster families. Students who aspire to continue tertiary education at a Tokai University upon completion of the SPM through a possible scholarship from Tokai are encouraged to enrol on the 3-month program.

A school is never complete if it is unable to cater to the required special needs of some students. The setting up of the Education and Learning Support Academy, ELSA for students with learning disabilities, dyslexia and mild autism have seen tremendous progress made by the students which would never be possible without such support. Both inclusive and exclusive classes are provided at the ELSA Centre at Primary and Secondary.

The ELSA programme collaborates with the Yokohama Board of Education, Japan the past 10 years and in particular Konandai Hino Tokubetsushien Gakkao, a special needs school under the tutelage of Professor Dr Tomohiro Suwa.

Nordin Jadi Athletic Club, NJAC
It has been 8 years since Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur started collaboration with the Nordin Jadi Athletic Club, NJAC run by 2 time Olympian and former Malaysian runner Nordin Muhammad Jadi. Four (4) years ago the school together with NJAC launched the Sri Bestari Centre of Sports Excellence, CSE programme where an ex-Malaysian athlete has been employed to spearhead the sports excellence programme in the school. 

The school has groomed sports-boys and sport-girls who represent the state and nation in local and international tournaments and have made a name for themselves. Some students have progressed on to the Bukit Jalil Sports School in pursuit of sporting excellence representing Malaysia. 

The sporting culture is really taking off amongst the students with very active participation in Athletics, Basketball, Football, Karate, Swimming, Cheerleading, and Netball. The sport of Cricket and Lawn Bowl has been introduced at the school and interest is slowly growing.

Harimau Bestari Football Program
Answering the call to set-up a formal structured football program in the school to expose students to competitive football, Sri Bestari formed the Harimau Bestari (Tigers of Bestari) football program and has received tremendous support. It cannot be denied that football is the most widely followed sport in the world and it attracts interest from peoples of all walks of life. Football does not discriminate and Harimau Bestari stands for those exact same principles. Communities and cultures can be brought closer through sports without even the need to lecture them that there is unity in diversity. Similarly, the program at the school caters to both boys and girls as well as those categorised under special needs. Weekly training is carried out by a team of very experienced grassroot coaches assisted by very dedicated teachers. Friendly matches are arranged and Harimau Bestari has started to receive many invitations for friendly matches from far away schools in Indonesia and Nepal.

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