
Introduction to Student Admission

Choosing the right school for your child is a crucial decision, and it is important to get the essential information you need to make the right choice. At Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur (SBPSKL), our commitment is to realise each student’s potential, hone their gifts and talents through education and child development. We assure you that all processes are transparent, equitable and stress-free for both you and your child.

Whether your child is starting school for the first time or transitioning from another school, we know that finding the right match for your child is very important. We encourage families to take the time to research our school, come and visit us if you can, meet as many teachers and students to ask questions. Our Admissions team will be present to help you gain a deeper understanding of our curriculum, culture, and approach to learning.

Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur curriculum is based on the National KSSR and KSSM Curriculum. However, being a private school we are able to offer many additional subjects, teaching approaches and co-curricular activities. We emphasize English as well as the Malay language, where students who wish to enrol in the school must be comfortable in both languages and display an acceptable level of proficiency to be able to progress and participate in all classroom activities.

Please refer to our Enrolment Process before beginning the application. This will help you identify the documents you will need to prepare in order to complete your application. Your application will be reviewed by our Admissions team once all of the documents have been submitted.

Choosing the right school for your child is a crucial decision, and it is important to get the essential information you need to make the right choice. At Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur (SBPSKL), our commitment is to realise each student’s potential, hone their gifts and talents through education and child development. We assure you that all processes are transparent, equitable and stress-free for both you and your child.

Whether your child is starting school for the first time or transitioning from another school, we know that finding the right match for your child is very important. We encourage families to take the time to research our school, come and visit us if you can, meet as many teachers and students to ask questions. Our Admissions team will be present to help you gain a deeper understanding of our curriculum, culture, and approach to learning.

Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur curriculum is based on the National KSSR and KSSM Curriculum. However, being a private school we are able to offer many additional subjects, teaching approaches and co-curricular activities. We emphasize English as well as the Malay language, where students who wish to enrol in the school must be comfortable in both languages and display an acceptable level of proficiency to be able to progress and participate in all classroom activities.

Please refer to our Enrolment Process before beginning the application. This will help you identify the documents you will need to prepare in order to complete your application. Your application will be reviewed by our Admissions team once all of the documents have been submitted.

Enrolment Process into Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur

Step 1: Application

Submit your application to Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur with a completed and signed application form together with the documents and items listed below. Additional documents may be required as and when necessary. Please note that we are unable to process any application until all required documentation and the application fee have been received. The following is our Application Criteria:

  • A set of completed Application forms
  • A completed Entrance Exam registration form
  • Most recent school report from the current/previous school
  • Child’s Medical and Health Record
  • A recent passport size Photograph of Child, Parents and/or Guardian
  • A copy of Child’s Birth Certificate, Passport, Identity Card and/or Visa
  • A copy of both Parents’ Passport, Identity Card and/or Visa
  • A set of completed Application forms
  • A completed Entrance Exam registration form
  • A recent passport size Photograph of Child, Parents and/or Guardian
  • A copy of Child’s Birth Certificate, Passport, Identity Card and/or Visa
  • A copy of both Parents’ Passport, Identity Card and/or Visa
  • Child’s Medical and Health Record
  • Most recent school report from the current/previous school

Applicants who are staying with an appointed Guardian, parents must provide the School with the Guardian’s most recent photo, a copy of Guardian’s Passport, Identity Card (Malaysian), Visa (non-Malaysian) and a letter confirming the appointment.

Application Fee – A non-refundable and non-transferable fee, payable in one payment by either cash, a cross cheque/bank draft in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) or via bank transfer to “Lang Education Sdn Bhd”.

Submission of an application does not guarantee a place. We advise all interested parents/guardians to submit the application as early as possible as the whole process can be quite time consuming. Where possible, the school will try and provide a realistic assessment of the possible timing for admission. You may submit your application in person or courier the documentation to us at:


Admissions and Marketing Department
Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur
Jalan Kiara SD 11/1, Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur.

Step 2: Assessment

Applicants will be scheduled for an assessment session when there is an available slot provided the application is complete.

The nature of the assessment varies for different year groups and may require meeting a member of the academic staff. The assessment process is designed to ensure that placement of your child will best meet their educational and personal requirements. The assessment is also designed to help ascertain whether a child would require specific support.

Note that the assessment material is private and a property of the school. Parents are not entitled to view or obtain copies prior to or after the child’s assessment.

Step 3: Review

Assessed applications will be reviewed taking into consideration various factors, including the results of the assessment, school reports, subject options, language ability, behaviour and availability of a slot.

Assessment result will be informed to the parents within seven (7) days. However, this may take a few additional days during peak enrollment period if there is a sudden increase in the volume of applications. The school reserves the right to assign priorities for admission or refuse admission for any reason deemed fit. Where places are insufficient, applicants remain on the waiting list and parents/guardians will be informed.

Step 4: Admission

If the application is successful, an offer of place will be made. Placement of the child is at the absolute discretion of the school, taking into consideration various factors which includes current academic ability and the child’s level of achievement relative to their peers.

An offer of admission to the school is also based on the belief that a child will benefit from the curriculum offered and that his/her admission. There is a possibility a child will be offered a Conditional Offer for very specific conditions or concerns.

The acceptance of the offer must be made by paying the applicable fees on or before the stipulated date on the letter of offer. The payment of the required fees constitutes the acceptance of a place and therein confirms the place for your child.

Upon receiving payment of the non refundable Registration Fee and a refundable Deposit (terms and conditions apply), which confirms an acceptance of offer, the school will communicate the start date of your child. Admissions department will provide details of their first day at the school.


*Notes to expatriate students:
The Malaysian Immigration Authority requests that all expatriate students obtain a relevant Visa upon acceptance by the school. Student Visa application is the responsibility of the parents. The school will only assist where and when necessary. The school will also not be responsible for any guardian visa application submission or approvals as it is the responsibility of the parents.

For non-Malaysian citizens, admission to the school, and their continued status as a student is conditional on the child possessing a valid visa issued by the Malaysian Immigration Department and fulfilling all policies set by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. The parent shall undertake to keep the school informed of any change in the status during the child’s enrolment at the school.

Assessments Policy

We can only offer places to students who are able to adequately access the curriculum and whose needs we feel we can effectively meet. Assessments are used to determine whether Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is suitable for your child in order to be sure that he or she will be able to cope and settle happily with us. Each decision is made based upon the individual child’s merits and needs.

We cannot cater for students who require significant support to access our curriculum. If your child has any previously identified special education needs, we would request that you discuss this with the school before your child sits for the assessment tests. The school will schedule an entrance examination and interview for prospective students on the following:


By observing interaction and language use in an informal situation in one of our Classrooms.

Primary and Secondary

The assessment includes subjects such as Malay Language, English Language, Mathematics and Science. The Entrance Examination questions are appropriate to a child’s age. Reading skills (Bahasa Malaysia & English) and an Informal interview by our Academic Staff will also be carried out.

All Applicants

Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur reserves the right to contact your child’s current or previous school (if applicable and relevant) directly to obtain further academic information and personal reference.

Assessment results will be informed to the parents within seven days. Assessment is valid according to the letter of offer. Follow-up assessments may be required if a place is not taken up within the given time. Assessment outcome will be one of the following:

Successful Application

If a place is available, an offer letter will be issued. If that particular age group is full, your child will be placed on the waiting list and an offer letter will be sent out when a place becomes available.

Further Assessment

Before a place can be offered, further assessments are necessary for us to be sure that we can cater for your child’s needs. A date will be set for this at the earliest convenience.

Unsuccessful Application

For unsuccessful applicants, a place is not offered and you will be informed accordingly.

Structure of the School Fees

Our Fees are payable in advance in accordance with the fee structure established by the school’s Management. Students meeting admission criteria will be invoiced immediately upon acceptance. All school fees are denominated in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) and parents will be invoiced accordingly. Application fee, registration fee and refundable deposits (terms and conditions apply) are required for all new enrolments. Our tuition fees and other levies consist of:

One-Time Fees

Application Fee (Non-refundable)
Payable upon submission of the Application Form.

Registration Fee (Non-refundable)
Payable ‘once’ upon receipt of the Letter of Offer.

Deposit (Refundable)
Depending on the section, a fixed amount of deposit is required to be paid.. It is refundable provided three months’ written notice of withdrawal is given and current fees are fully paid. The said notice must be received and acknowledged by the school prior to the commencement of the student withdrawal while the student is still in school.

Recurring Fees

Semester Fees
The semester fees are invoiced based on the 2 semesters in our academic year. The Semester Fees are made up of School Fee, Meals (for Preschool) and Other Fees.

Optional Fees
Our optional fees are payable yearly for Extra Classes, STEM Programme, Robotic Programme, NSWE Examination, Cambridge Checkpoint Classes and Exam, Prep Class, ELSA Fees, Extended Hours Child Care, IGCSE Classes and Exam, Fardhu Ain Classes and are made optional to Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary students.

Payment Methods

Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur has partnered with JomPAY and Local Banks to offer a secure, innovative and streamlined way to make online FPX payment for all fees charged  from the convenience of your home or office.

JomPAY Internet & Mobile Banking
Biller Code : 11197
Ref-1 : Student’s Full Name
Ref-2 : Student’s Matrix Number

Direct bank-in / Interbank GIRO
CIMB Islamic Bank
Account Name: Lang Education Sdn Bhd
Account No: 86-0064677-5

A copy of the bank transfer report must be forwarded to the school’s Accounts and Finance Department. Please write the student’s name, student’s matrix number and parent’s contact number on the transaction slip and e-mail to the school at:

Crossed Cheque / Bank Draft / Credit Card / Cash
Accounts and Finance Department is located on the Ground Floor, Admin Block
Operating hours: Mondays – Fridays from 8:00am to 5:00pm

Crossed Cheque / Bank Draft Payable to “Lang Education Sdn Bhd”
Please write the student’s name, student’s matrix number and parent’s contact number on the reverse side of the Cheque / Bank draft.

Finance Customer Care
Phone: +603-6273 1071
Fax: +603-6273 2070

School Application Documents

Co-curricular & Extra-curricular Activities

(Wednesday 3:30pm - 4:30pm & Friday 2:30am - 4:30pm)

At Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur, our yearly schedule is planned around many activities including competitions and events hosted for our students. For a detailed view of our Academic Calendar, please download the pdfs below.



Introduction to Bestari Scholarship

Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur believes in an all rounded holistic education. Inspired by this vision, we guide all our students towards academic excellence, nurture them to have high civic consciousness and coach them in various sports and activities. The results of these efforts produce well balanced students who not only excel academically but also are responsible individuals. Our students are trained to uphold good moral values and are highly competitive in sports, games and other co- curricular activities.

On that positive note, Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is offering scholarships to deserving students to be part of the Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur family for intakes to Form 1.

The recipient of the Sri Bestari Private School Kuala LumpurScholarship will receive 100% discount on School Fee and Other Fees (as stipulated in the fees schedule) throughout his/her education in Sri Bestari Private School (terms and conditions apply).

Please refer to our scholarship Eligibility to help you identify the documents you will need to prepare in order to apply. Your complete applications will be reviewed by our Scholarship Board. Please reach out to us via the Enquiry form if you have any questions.

Eligibility of Bestari Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to deserving students who have achieved excellent results in their academics and demonstrate commendable character and civic consciousness through extra-curricular activities and community service.

Academic Performance

Straight As students from SK ‘Sekolah Kebangsaaan’, SJKC ‘Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina’ or SJKT ‘Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil’. Applicants are required to submit their examination result validated by the existing school.

Co- Curricular / Sports Achievements

The candidate must be active and achieve a minimum of grade B in co- curricular and school activities. Special achievement in co-curricular activities will be an advantage that will be taken into consideration.

Written & Oral Test

The candidate must pass a written and oral test conducted by Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur.

Discipline and Personal Attributes Requirement

Applicants who hold special positions in the previous school (e.g., school prefect) have an advantage that will be taken into consideration.

All applicants must be free of any indiscipline record, have positive attributes and are always willing to give their best for Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur.

* Note: Sri Bestari Scholarship will be governed by the Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur Scholarship Board. The members hold the right to accept and review all applications, arrange for any necessary interview sessions with the applicants, and to make recommendations to the Principal.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions

Successful candidates will be offered the Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur Scholarship throughout his/her education in Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur and upon completing his/her Form 5 education subject to the following conditions:

Academic Performance

Whilst studying in Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur,, Sri Bestari scholars must maintain or achieve a minimum average percentage of 75% and above in all internal examinations. Scholars are expected to achieve straight As in examination. Failure to maintain the minimum percentage will result in the termination of Sri Bestari scholarship.

Co- Curricular and Sports Achievements

Scholars must actively participate in co- curricular activities and work hard in upgrading their leadership ability in order to hold at least a committee member’s position in any school’s society. Scholars must actively participate in sports  or games directly or indirectly.

Discipline and Personal Attributes

Scholars should not be involved in any indiscipline acts whilst studying in Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur.. The disciplinary board of Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur has the power to recommend the termination of the scholarship of any scholar that is found guilty of any indiscipline acts.

* Note: The information in this website is correct at the time of publishing and Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur reserves the rights to change the scholarship criteria without prior notice.

Step 1: Application

Submit your application to Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur with a completed and signed application form together with the documents and items listed below. Additional documents may be required as and when necessary. Please note that we are unable to process any application until all required documentation and the application fee have been received. The following is our Application Criteria:

  • A set of completed Application forms
  • A completed Entrance Exam registration form
  • Most recent school report from the current/previous school
  • Child’s Medical and Health Record
  • A recent passport size Photograph of Child, Parents and/or Guardian
  • A copy of Child’s Birth Certificate, Passport, Identity Card and/or Visa
  • A copy of both Parents’ Passport, Identity Card and/or Visa
  • A set of completed Application forms
  • A completed Entrance Exam registration form
  • A recent passport size Photograph of Child, Parents and/or Guardian
  • A copy of Child’s Birth Certificate, Passport, Identity Card and/or Visa
  • A copy of both Parents’ Passport, Identity Card and/or Visa
  • Child’s Medical and Health Record
  • Most recent school report from the current/previous school

Applicants who are staying with an appointed Guardian, parents must provide the School with the Guardian’s most recent photo, a copy of Guardian’s Passport, Identity Card (Malaysian), Visa (non-Malaysian) and a letter confirming the appointment.

Application Fee – A non-refundable and non-transferable fee, payable in one payment by either cash, a cross cheque/bank draft in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) or via bank transfer to “Lang Education Sdn Bhd”.

Submission of an application does not guarantee a place. We advise all interested parents/guardians to submit the application as early as possible as the whole process can be quite time consuming. Where possible, the school will try and provide a realistic assessment of the possible timing for admission. You may submit your application in person or courier the documentation to us at:


Admissions and Marketing Department
Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur
Jalan Kiara SD 11/1, Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur.

Step 2: Assessment

Applicants will be scheduled for an assessment session when there is an available slot provided the application is complete.

The nature of the assessment varies for different year groups and may require meeting a member of the academic staff. The assessment process is designed to ensure that placement of your child will best meet their educational and personal requirements. The assessment is also designed to help ascertain whether a child would require specific support.

Note that the assessment material is private and a property of the school. Parents are not entitled to view or obtain copies prior to or after the child’s assessment.

Step 3: Review

Assessed applications will be reviewed taking into consideration various factors, including the results of the assessment, school reports, subject options, language ability, behaviour and availability of a slot.

Assessment result will be informed to the parents within seven (7) days. However, this may take a few additional days during peak enrollment period if there is a sudden increase in the volume of applications. The school reserves the right to assign priorities for admission or refuse admission for any reason deemed fit. Where places are insufficient, applicants remain on the waiting list and parents/guardians will be informed.

Step 4: Admission

If the application is successful, an offer of place will be made. Placement of the child is at the absolute discretion of the school, taking into consideration various factors which includes current academic ability and the child’s level of achievement relative to their peers.

An offer of admission to the school is also based on the belief that a child will benefit from the curriculum offered and that his/her admission. There is a possibility a child will be offered a Conditional Offer for very specific conditions or concerns.

The acceptance of the offer must be made by paying the applicable fees on or before the stipulated date on the letter of offer. The payment of the required fees constitutes the acceptance of a place and therein confirms the place for your child.

Upon receiving payment of the non refundable Registration Fee and a refundable Deposit (terms and conditions apply), which confirms an acceptance of offer, the school will communicate the start date of your child. Admissions department will provide details of their first day at the school.


*Notes to expatriate students:
The Malaysian Immigration Authority requests that all expatriate students obtain a relevant Visa upon acceptance by the school. Student Visa application is the responsibility of the parents. The school will only assist where and when necessary. The school will also not be responsible for any guardian visa application submission or approvals as it is the responsibility of the parents.

For non-Malaysian citizens, admission to the school, and their continued status as a student is conditional on the child possessing a valid visa issued by the Malaysian Immigration Department and fulfilling all policies set by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. The parent shall undertake to keep the school informed of any change in the status during the child’s enrolment at the school.

Assessments Policy

We can only offer places to students who are able to adequately access the curriculum and whose needs we feel we can effectively meet. Assessments are used to determine whether Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is suitable for your child in order to be sure that he or she will be able to cope and settle happily with us. Each decision is made based upon the individual child’s merits and needs.

We cannot cater for students who require significant support to access our curriculum. If your child has any previously identified special education needs, we would request that you discuss this with the school before your child sits for the assessment tests. The school will schedule an entrance examination and interview for prospective students on the following:


By observing interaction and language use in an informal situation in one of our Classrooms.

Primary and Secondary

The assessment includes subjects such as Malay Language, English Language, Mathematics and Science. The Entrance Examination questions are appropriate to a child’s age. Reading skills (Bahasa Malaysia & English) and an Informal interview by our Academic Staff will also be carried out.

All Applicants

Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur reserves the right to contact your child’s current or previous school (if applicable and relevant) directly to obtain further academic information and personal reference.

Assessment results will be informed to the parents within seven days. Assessment is valid according to the letter of offer. Follow-up assessments may be required if a place is not taken up within the given time. Assessment outcome will be one of the following:

Successful Application

If a place is available, an offer letter will be issued. If that particular age group is full, your child will be placed on the waiting list and an offer letter will be sent out when a place becomes available.

Further Assessment

Before a place can be offered, further assessments are necessary for us to be sure that we can cater for your child’s needs. A date will be set for this at the earliest convenience.

Unsuccessful Application

For unsuccessful applicants, a place is not offered and you will be informed accordingly.

Structure of the School Fees

Our Fees are payable in advance in accordance with the fee structure established by the school’s Management. Students meeting admission criteria will be invoiced immediately upon acceptance. All school fees are denominated in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) and parents will be invoiced accordingly. Application fee, registration fee and refundable deposits (terms and conditions apply) are required for all new enrolments. Our tuition fees and other levies consist of:

One-Time Fees

Application Fee (Non-refundable)
Payable upon submission of the Application Form.

Registration Fee (Non-refundable)
Payable ‘once’ upon receipt of the Letter of Offer.

Deposit (Refundable)
Depending on the section, a fixed amount of deposit is required to be paid.. It is refundable provided three months’ written notice of withdrawal is given and current fees are fully paid. The said notice must be received and acknowledged by the school prior to the commencement of the student withdrawal while the student is still in school.

Recurring Fees

Semester Fees
The semester fees are invoiced based on the 2 semesters in our academic year. The Semester Fees are made up of School Fee, Meals (for Preschool) and Other Fees.

Optional Fees
Our optional fees are payable yearly for Extra Classes, STEM Programme, Robotic Programme, NSWE Examination, Cambridge Checkpoint Classes and Exam, Prep Class, ELSA Fees, Extended Hours Child Care, IGCSE Classes and Exam, Fardhu Ain Classes and are made optional to Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary students.

Payment Methods

Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur has partnered with JomPAY and Local Banks to offer a secure, innovative and streamlined way to make online FPX payment for all fees charged  from the convenience of your home or office.

JomPAY Internet & Mobile Banking
Biller Code : 11197
Ref-1 : Student’s Full Name
Ref-2 : Student’s Matrix Number

Direct bank-in / Interbank GIRO
CIMB Islamic Bank
Account Name: Lang Education Sdn Bhd
Account No: 86-0064677-5

A copy of the bank transfer report must be forwarded to the school’s Accounts and Finance Department. Please write the student’s name, student’s matrix number and parent’s contact number on the transaction slip and e-mail to the school at:

Crossed Cheque / Bank Draft / Credit Card / Cash
Accounts and Finance Department is located on the Ground Floor, Admin Block
Operating hours: Mondays – Fridays from 8:00am to 5:00pm

Crossed Cheque / Bank Draft Payable to “Lang Education Sdn Bhd”
Please write the student’s name, student’s matrix number and parent’s contact number on the reverse side of the Cheque / Bank draft.

Finance Customer Care
Phone: +603-6273 1071
Fax: +603-6273 2070

School Application Documents

Co-curricular & Extra-curricular Activities

(Wednesday 3:30pm - 4:30pm & Friday 2:30am - 4:30pm)

At Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur, our yearly schedule is planned around many activities including competitions and events hosted for our students. For a detailed view of our Academic Calendar, please download the pdfs below.



Introduction to Bestari Scholarship

Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur believes in an all rounded holistic education. Inspired by this vision, we guide all our students towards academic excellence, nurture them to have high civic consciousness and coach them in various sports and activities. The results of these efforts produce well balanced students who not only excel academically but also are responsible individuals. Our students are trained to uphold good moral values and are highly competitive in sports, games and other co- curricular activities.

On that positive note, Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur is offering scholarships to deserving students to be part of the Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur family for intakes to Form 1.

The recipient of the Sri Bestari Private School Kuala LumpurScholarship will receive 100% discount on School Fee and Other Fees (as stipulated in the fees schedule) throughout his/her education in Sri Bestari Private School (terms and conditions apply).

Please refer to our scholarship Eligibility to help you identify the documents you will need to prepare in order to apply. Your complete applications will be reviewed by our Scholarship Board. Please reach out to us via the Enquiry form if you have any questions.

Eligibility of Bestari Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to deserving students who have achieved excellent results in their academics and demonstrate commendable character and civic consciousness through extra-curricular activities and community service.

Academic Performance

Straight As students from SK ‘Sekolah Kebangsaaan’, SJKC ‘Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina’ or SJKT ‘Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil’. Applicants are required to submit their examination result validated by the existing school.

Co- Curricular / Sports Achievements

The candidate must be active and achieve a minimum of grade B in co- curricular and school activities. Special achievement in co-curricular activities will be an advantage that will be taken into consideration.

Written & Oral Test

The candidate must pass a written and oral test conducted by Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur.

Discipline and Personal Attributes Requirement

Applicants who hold special positions in the previous school (e.g., school prefect) have an advantage that will be taken into consideration.

All applicants must be free of any indiscipline record, have positive attributes and are always willing to give their best for Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur.

* Note: Sri Bestari Scholarship will be governed by the Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur Scholarship Board. The members hold the right to accept and review all applications, arrange for any necessary interview sessions with the applicants, and to make recommendations to the Principal.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions

Successful candidates will be offered the Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur Scholarship throughout his/her education in Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur and upon completing his/her Form 5 education subject to the following conditions:

Academic Performance

Whilst studying in Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur,, Sri Bestari scholars must maintain or achieve a minimum average percentage of 75% and above in all internal examinations. Scholars are expected to achieve straight As in examination. Failure to maintain the minimum percentage will result in the termination of Sri Bestari scholarship.

Co- Curricular and Sports Achievements

Scholars must actively participate in co- curricular activities and work hard in upgrading their leadership ability in order to hold at least a committee member’s position in any school’s society. Scholars must actively participate in sports  or games directly or indirectly.

Discipline and Personal Attributes

Scholars should not be involved in any indiscipline acts whilst studying in Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur.. The disciplinary board of Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur has the power to recommend the termination of the scholarship of any scholar that is found guilty of any indiscipline acts.

* Note: The information in this website is correct at the time of publishing and Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur reserves the rights to change the scholarship criteria without prior notice.

Students Online Application

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