Sri Bestari Private School: Preschool / Kindergarten

Preschool / Kindergarten Curriculum

At our Preschool, we offer the National Preschool Standard Curriculum (KSPK) which is a time tested and successful approach used in Preschool education. The National Preschool Standard Curriculum is built on six pillars, namely Communication, Spirituality, Values and Attitudes, Humanity, Self appearance, Physical and Aesthetic Development, as well as Science and Technology. The six pillars are key domains that are intertwined and integrated with critical, creative and innovative thinking. This integration aims to develop human capital that appreciates the noble values ​​based on religion, knowledge, skill-sets, critical, creative and innovative thinking. Among the things that are emphasized in the formulation of KSPK is Higher Order Thinking Skills which are a critical element needed for students to progress on at higher levels.

We understand that there are differences as well as some similarities among children in terms of intelligence, personality, interest and aptitude and the approach taken at our Preschool encourages students to actively participate in all the classroom activities. This encourages interactive learning amongst the preschoolers and found to be very effective.

As Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur has very comprehensive programs in STEM, Inquiry Based Science Education IBSE, Singapore Mathematics and ECO, students at our Preschool have the opportunity to explore these areas of studies right from a very young age and it is highly beneficial for their exposure and development. As our in-house STEM Program which runs from Year 1 Primary right up to Form 5 SPM is gaining much recognition from the Ministry of Education, universities, MDEC, and other school in Malaysia and abroad, the school has started an initiative to produce our own STEM Module for Preschoolers for the coming Academic Year 2024/25. Work has already started to write the modules and prepare the hardware as we hope to be able to kickstart this maiden roll-out in a few months time.

Subjects at Bestari Preschool / Kindergarten

Morning BM / English Stream

• Malay Language
• Mathematics
• Moral Education
• Thematic
• English Language
• Science/Kitchen Day
• Art and Craft
• Physical Education
• Chinese Language
• Pendidikan Islam
• Storytime / Music
• Malay Language
• English Language
• Chinese Language
• Mathematics
• Science/Kitchen Day
• Pendidikan Islam
• Moral Education
• Art and Craft
• Storytime / Music
• Thematic
• Physical Education

Afternoon Mandarin Stream

• Chinese Language
• Mathematics
• Pendidikan Islam
• Thematic
• English Language
• Science
• Art and Craft
• Physical Education
• Malay Language
• Moral Education
• Storytime/Music
• Kitchen Day/Cultural study
• Chinese Language
• English Language
• Malay Language
• Mathematics
• Science
• Moral Education
• Pendidikan Islam
• Art and Craft
• Storytime / Music
• Thematic
• Physical Education
• Kitchen Day/Cultural study

Preschool/Kindergarten School Hours & Calendar (Morning Session)






08.00am – 12.30pm

08.00am – 12.30pm

08.00am – 12.30pm

08.00am – 12.30pm

08.00am – 12.30pm

recess time
10.00am – 10.30am

Preschool/Kindergarten School Hours & Calendar (Afternoon Session)






12.30pm – 05.00pm

12.30pm – 05.00pm

12.30pm – 05.00pm

12.30pm – 05.00pm

12.30pm – 05.00pm

recess time
02.30pm – 03.00pm

Schooling days are between Monday to Friday with 8 Periods of 30 Minutes classes for Monday to Thursday and 4 Periods of 30 Minutes classes on Friday for both Morning as well as Afternoon Mandarin stream. There are Co-curricular Activities (CCA) or Extra-curricular Activities (ECA) for Kindergarten students. School is closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.

Our Facilities Photos

what to expect in Preschool / Kindergarten Teaching Approach

Experiential Learning

Real Live Experiences

Our Preschool is housed within a larger Sri Bestari Private School Kuala Lumpur and therefore shares the many facilities available in and around the school. As the school is an award winning ECO school, an IBSE Science school and has an extensive STEM Program, numerous facilities have been set-up to support these initiatives. The Outdoor Science Lab, the Vivarium, the Aviary, the Urban Garden and the Culinary Art Lab are some of the facilities which are often used to bring our Preschoolers out of the classrooms to have real live experiences. This has a much positive impact on their learning and experience.

Field trips are also arranged to expand the young students’ knowledge and experiences beyond the classroom.

Use of Worksheets

Thematic Approach

The National Preschool Standard Curriculum (KSPK) in use is complemented with sets of our comprehensive worksheets for each individual age level as well as it incorporates a thematic approach to prepare our students for primary school.

Reading via Phonics

Learn To Read And Spell

English reading is done using a phonics approach which enables our children to learn how to read and spell each word. This method allows our students’ to blend the letter sounds to form words as opposed to the norm where students are required to read words as a whole and rely much more on memory.

Numeracy and Math

Usage of Singapore Mathematics

From as early as 4-year-old, our Preschoolers are exposed to early Mathematics with emphasis on recognising numbers from 1 until 20. While K2 and K3 level students are exposed to addition, subtraction, time and value of money. Singapore Mathematics is extensively used in the teaching of Mathematics at Preschool and it brings a positive impact to the students. 

Arts and Craft

Delve Deep into Imagination

There are dedicated Arts and Craft lessons where students are encouraged to delve deep into their imagination as they create drawings, paintings and craft which in turn develops their artistic and holistics development along the way. Their fine motor skills are also developed in tandem with such invaluable activities.


Gross Motor Skill

Organisation of Sport Activities

The development of Mind, Body and Spirit are essential for all Preschoolers. Therefore, Physical Education is an essential part of a child’s daily activity at Preschool to develop their gross motor skills. Many sporting activities are organised for students to actively participate such as telematch, sports day performances and even track and field events.

Social Skill Development

Sharing is Caring

Preschool students are constantly exposed to many different stages of play sessions and cooperative play where the ultimate aim is to ensure children develop the proper and positive social skills with their peers. Sharing is caring is a term often discussed with our Preschoolers to help them develop the mindset that there is so much to gain by the very act of sharing and it always begins with us. 

Moral Responsibility

Promotion of Moral Values

Religious Studies and Moral Responsibility are also incorporated in our curriculum. Islamic study for our Muslim students while all others attend moral studies to promote strong moral values among Bestari Kindergarten students.

Afternoon Mandarin Stream

Superior Grasp of Mandarin

Bestari Kindergarten introduced a Mandarin stream for K1-k3 students. This programme is to enable the children to have a superior grasp of Mandarin and can move on to enrol for the First Grade SJKC Level Chinese program at Primary School. In the Mandrin Stream at Preschool, all students are exposed to Mandarin via various classroom and beyond the classroom activities involving aspects such as listening, speaking, reading and writing in Mandarin. These students also learn Bahasa Malaysia and English but with a very strong emphasis on Mandarin.

Preschool / Kindergarten Supporting Programs

Robotics Class

The Robotics programme syllabus is designed based on the Korean and USA robotics teaching modules and are customised for optimum exposure to aspects of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Our Robotics programme provides a full range of innovative robotics and coding courses for Bestarian aged 5 to 15 years old. These courses are designed to develop our students’ problem-solving capability, critical thinking ability and to nurture their creativity by building models and bringing them to life while practising teamwork and communication skills. The 3 stages IR Robotics programs also help improve students’ ability to apply scientific ideas to real-life projects and create tangible results. It is also known for being fun, helping students to connect science to positive experiences!

ELSA Special Needs

A school is never complete if it is unable to cater to the required special needs of some students. The setting up of the Education and Learning Support Academy ELSA for students with learning disabilities, dyslexia and mild autism have seen tremendous progress made by the students which would never be possible without such support. Both inclusive and exclusive classes are provided at the ELSA Centre.

The ELSA programme collaborates with the Yokohama Board of Education, Japan the past 8 years and in particular Konandai Hino Tokubetsu Shien Gakko, a special needs school under the tutelage of Professor Dr Tomohiro Suwa.

Extended Hours Child Care

The Extended Hours Child Care EHCC Centre provides after school care for Preschoolers up to 6pm daily. The range of activities for Preschoolers during this EHCC are specially planned, which includes, individual reading, indoor games, artwork, drama and outdoor activities. Our conducive environment serves to enhance a child’s learning and at the same time provide sufficient free playtime for them as well as their meals and rest time. Through play, children are able to develop their social skills such as sharing, turn taking and communicating with their peers.

The child care service operates from Monday to Friday until 6.30 pm with a grace period of an additional 30 minutes. The EHCC is closed on all public holidays and other holidays laid down by the School Management.


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